Meet the Ramblers

The Berkshire Ramblers

The Berk­shire Ram­blers are a group of unlike­ly indi­vid­u­als who love and play folk songs of the “old style.” The found­ing Ram­blers are Joe Browdy and Alan Char­tock, and the group has been play­ing togeth­er, in one form or anoth­er, for well over forty years. Con­sis­tent Ram­blers are Joe Browdy (lead vocals, gui­tar), Alan Char­tock, (ban­jo, gui­tar, vocals), and Roselle Char­tock, (vocals, gui­tar, and tiny per­cus­sion). Oth­er Ram­blers include vocal­ists and instru­men­tal­ists Alice Old­fa­ther, Don McGro­ry, Dwight O’Neil, Dona Frank-Fed­eri­co, Sel­ma Kaplan, Michael Eck, and Char­tock sib­lings, Sarah and Jonas Char­tock. The Ram­blers are a flu­id group, and enjoy work­ing with oth­er musi­cians when the occa­sion calls for it. The group lives by the Weavers old cre­do that rehearsals occur on stage while play­ing a gig. Still active, The Ram­blers play when they have the spir­it or for­ti­tude to do so, which is pri­mar­i­ly at events for not for prof­it institutions.